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Judiska centralrådets brev till Nederländernas chargé d'affaires i Stockholm, Kim De Jong

Dear Mrs De Jong,


I am writing to you concerning last night's horrific events in Amsterdam where Jews and Israelis were brutally hunted and beaten. As we are approaching the anniversary of the November Pogroms in 1938 we once again witness how Jews are hunted and beaten on the streets of Europe. On behalf of the Swedish Jewish Communities I would like to convey the horror we feel over these very violent incidents. We sincerely hope that Dutch authorities will do their utmost to prosecute those responsible.



Aron Verständig

Chair of the Official Council of Swedish Jewish Communities

Om oss

Judiska Centralrådet är en sammanslutning av de judiska församlingarna i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Nordvästra Skåne.


Judiska Centralrådet i Sverige 


Box 7427

103 91 Stockholm




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